
Mr Mostafa Metwally

Consultant Gynaecologist in Sheffield

Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

I have a keen interest in clinical research and have published widely in the fields of Reproductive Medicine and fertility related surgery.


As well as being a Sheffield gynaecologist I am also an invited speaker at many national and international conferences. My research interests are patient oriented aiming to improve our understanding and treatment of common conditions such as fibroids and the way obesity can affect reproductive performance.


Research publications from Sheffield Gynaecologist Mostafa Metwally

Review articles from Sheffield Gynaecologist Mostafa Metwally

Book chapters from Sheffield Gynaecologist Mostafa Metwally


For more information about my publications, please click on the links above. If you would like a copy of any of these publications you can e-mail me using the contact link above. Or visit me at one of my Sheffield gynaecology clinics


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