NHS practice

Mr Mostafa Metwally

Consultant Gynaecologist in Sheffield

Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

The Jessop Wing

The Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield



I am one of the consultants leading the clinical service at the Assisted Conception Unit at The Jessop Wing. As a team we aim to provide a patient focussed and friendly service with a focus on mild forms of ovarian stimulation for assisted conception treatment. My approach is to be a leading Sheffield fertility expert regardless of the treatment required




General Gynaecology

I am a full time NHS Consultant Gynaecologist at The Jessop Wing, Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield and work with a distinguished group of colleagues all are Sheffield fertility experts to bring the highest quality of Gynaecological services to patients within Sheffield and the South Yorkshire region

Reproductive Surgery

There are many cases when surgical intervention will be needed to help fertility. Surgery may also be needed in conjunction with other fertility treatment such as IVF. I previously led the development of the Reproductive Surgery service in Dundee and currently continue to provide this service in Sheffield that is a distinguished and recognised centre for reproductive surgery training.



Infertility and Assisted Conception


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